Wherever I am With You, 3/12

On a recent drive home, my youngest asked if I knew who created the world. I was curious as to her response, as she's been quite fascinated with God recently. She replied "that guy we talked about at school today," & my middle piped up, "God!". We then discussed how people believe all different things, and how we are all welcome to believe whatever we want, but the most important thing is to respect and appreciate differing beliefs, as well as our own. Children do that more often than adults. Without knowing. They remind us how rich and rewarding the simple things are; how to make friends with strangers; how to love and appreciate all. Perhaps it's naive, perhaps it's the lack of exposure to many things in the world, but I like to think it's something we can learn from. Because we need it, we need more respect, more peace, more love, more friendship and above all, less fear and less hate.

Wherever I am With You, 3/12

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Happy New Year

When I was younger, I found the idea of New Years silly. Not understanding the desire to wipe the slate clean because it's January 1st. But as I get older, I like it more. Using it as a time for reflection, digging through images & milestones from the last 365-days. Dreaming dreams to accomplish. Goals to conquer. Changes to welcome. A universal time to grow together. To shift our minds from the negativity, & focus on the good. Focus on what really matters. A time to clean out the clutter. A time of celebration. Happy New Year.