Wish You Were Here 4/52

Wish You Were Here ...virtual postcards from around the world Dear Friends, We had an action-packed sports week. Ry had a hockey game Saturday; he started with group 1 & gets to move up to group 2. He's pretty excited, since he just started three weeks ago. He gets better & better on the ice. Covey & him have decided to have rollerblading lessons at home, so Cove will be ready to play next year. He's also talking about trying soccer & tee-ball this year; Ry seemed so old when he started playing sports, & now Covey seems so young to be starting them. We also won the superbowl! Well, the Seahawks did; when you're a fan for so long, it feels like we did, too! What a (not-so) exciting game- it was admittedly boring, but since it was our team, exhilarating is a better word. In other news, we got another duck. The boys decided on naming her Snow White, since we already have Snowball & this new one is also white. She's a welcomed addition to our flock. The kids seem to be fighting off colds; never fun, but  seems to be a side effect of these winter months. Life is good. xo


Wish You Were Here 3/52

Wish You Were Here ...virtual postcards from around the world Dear Friends, The weather here is getting stranger. Perhaps that's not the right word, but the little snow we had a week ago is now completely gone. Instead we're working towards the wettest January on record. We've been spending lots of time inside watching the rain fall, then it seems to lighten up in the afternoon- just long enough to get outside for some much needed fresh air. Every time we're outside, the kids are quick to let the chickens & ducks out to roam the yard. They love getting out in the muddy lawn; we watch them play, & monitor for eagles & neighborhood dogs. There's an eagle nest quite close to the house, we can hear them talking to each other; hopefully they don't discover we have a quick meal. Life is good. xo

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Wish You Were Here 2/52

Wish You Were Here ...virtual postcards from around the world Dear Friends, We're finally enjoying some snowfall- it's been such a strange winter. Perhaps this is our start to winter, just a couple months later than usual. We're trying to fully enjoy it, hopefully getting a sledding & snowman day in soon. In other exciting news, the Seahawks won their playoff game today. Here's to another weekend of our football season (I don't know why, but I'm kind of a football fanatic). We also celebrated Ry's 7th birthday last week, with friends & family...& back to our school routine. Life is good. xo

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Wish You Were Here 1/52

Wish You Were Here ...virtual postcards from around the world Dear Friends, It's the first of the year. 2014. We celebrated the New Year with family- & fireworks. We're feeling refreshed & reenergized as we step into this New Year. What is it about New Year's that seems to wipe the slate clean? A time for new dreams, hopes, realities- a time for change. I don't know the answer, but I get those feelings. & I like it- I like feeling ready to take on the day, just a little bit stronger than before. I hope 2014 finds you happy & healthy, & most of all, content. Life is good. x0

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