Wish You Were Here ...virtual postcards from around the world Dear Friends, We had an action-packed sports week. Ry had a hockey game Saturday; he started with group 1 & gets to move up to group 2. He's pretty excited, since he just started three weeks ago. He gets better & better on the ice. Covey & him have decided to have rollerblading lessons at home, so Cove will be ready to play next year. He's also talking about trying soccer & tee-ball this year; Ry seemed so old when he started playing sports, & now Covey seems so young to be starting them. We also won the superbowl! Well, the Seahawks did; when you're a fan for so long, it feels like we did, too! What a (not-so) exciting game- it was admittedly boring, but since it was our team, exhilarating is a better word. In other news, we got another duck. The boys decided on naming her Snow White, since we already have Snowball & this new one is also white. She's a welcomed addition to our flock. The kids seem to be fighting off colds; never fun, but seems to be a side effect of these winter months. Life is good. xo