My Final Thanks, for November

When I decided to start this project, I figured time would get away from me- I wouldn't make it to the computer every day to post, or even remember to take a photo. Well, time certainly got away, but I made myself stay up late some nights, to get these posts up. I found it almost therapeutic, for a number of reasons- it got me shooting every day, & not just with my phone. I use my iPhone a lot! Which means I use my good camera even less (for my kiddos). It also made me document little bits of our every day. In doing so, I played with new light & it inspired new ideas. I also enjoy looking back over the past month, at my own words & images. I feel like I unintentionally created a journal for my kids.

So while I had a completely different intention for this post, I'm changing course. I am thankful for my thankful project. I think I would be tempted to start one in December, except that we are leaving Saturday morning for a few weeks, but I'm sure there will be no shortage of images ;). I hope you enjoy your last day of the month & delight in the holiday season that has arrived.


Be Joyful

Be PeacefulHappy Holidays~

My Ry-Guy

I think there's something special about the first-born. Maybe it's because I'm also the first-born, I'm not sure. They're kind of your experiment; your on-the-job-training. Your first experience as a parent is because of them. It's overwhelming & incredible all at once. Ry is my first. We've been through a lot together, especially health-wise. He teaches me patience (or sometimes, that I don't have enough); he shows me intelligence, creativity & sometimes too much honesty; he explains unconditional love...& he's one of my three grand adventures. For him, I am thankful.


Ella has started standing, as well as pulling herself up. Today, she walked by pushing their small rocking chair forward. I ran outside to get a picture of her at the bead table. It was gorgeous out, but freezing. Standing there, in that cold, made me want back inside- quick. It also made me realize I haven't posted about my house- it's warmth, it's space, it's noise- it's our home. Mike built it, along with help from my dad & another friend. For our home, I am thankful.

The Christmas Photo

We're leaving bright & early Saturday morning for a two-week vacation. I'm trying to accomplish a little bit more each day, to avoid frantically running around Friday. Who am I kidding, I'll still be thinking of everything I didn't do & remember the one important thing as the plane lifts off...oh well! Today I attempted a photo of the three kiddos, for Christmas cards. I adore unposed images of these munchkins & was reminded why today- as I tried to wrangle them all together for a moment. It didn't quite work. It was not the most pleasant experience & I'm pretty sure if they're every in therapy, they'll blame it our Christmas card photos. Therapy or not, I know they still love me. For surviving my imperfect parenting, I am thankful.

My Mom

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. I intended to have my thankful post up, in honor of her, but then I realized I didn't have any relatively recent pictures of her with us kids or her grandkids; so I"m a day late! Last night we had dinner & cake, with her & my dad. She had all her Christmas decorations up & it was fun to watch Ella with her first Christmas-tree experience. My mom has always been known as the Queen of Christmas. We usually decorated the day after Thanksgiving; & it always nearly coincided with her birthday. This meant, every single year, us kids would get her a santa. She always loved them (I think). Now she gets pictures of the grandkids, I think she loves that a little bit more ;) She'd be happy even if she got nothing. My mom is awesome. I feel pretty lucky- I have an amazing family & we are all so close. Plus, she's incredibly patient. I don't think I realized how patient, until I had kids myself. Some days, I try to reach real hard for her patients, because I need them! For my mom, I am so incredibly thankful!!!