When I decided to start this project, I figured time would get away from me- I wouldn't make it to the computer every day to post, or even remember to take a photo. Well, time certainly got away, but I made myself stay up late some nights, to get these posts up. I found it almost therapeutic, for a number of reasons- it got me shooting every day, & not just with my phone. I use my iPhone a lot! Which means I use my good camera even less (for my kiddos). It also made me document little bits of our every day. In doing so, I played with new light & it inspired new ideas. I also enjoy looking back over the past month, at my own words & images. I feel like I unintentionally created a journal for my kids.
So while I had a completely different intention for this post, I'm changing course. I am thankful for my thankful project. I think I would be tempted to start one in December, except that we are leaving Saturday morning for a few weeks, but I'm sure there will be no shortage of images ;). I hope you enjoy your last day of the month & delight in the holiday season that has arrived.
Be Joyful
Be Peaceful
Happy Holidays~