She Crawls

EllaGrace is crawling. She's getting up on all fours, & more. She favors placing her butt in the air & standing on her toes, as somewhat demonstrated in photo #4. At this point, she's more in the army crawl stage, but it gets her clear across the living room & into the kitchen. She likes to snatch things along the way. Luckily the boys are on the constant hunt for 'choking hazards,' as Covey refers to anything on the ground. We also got the gate up, a priority for our large stairwell. For all of this, I am thankful.

cm monthly challenge: halloween dress-up

The boys had decided to be knights for Halloween & so Ella was to be a dragon. Then Halloween rolled around & that idea went out the window. Their ninja costumes were suddenly more appealing. In the end, Ry stuck solely to the ninja ensemble, whereas Covey went ninja by day, knight by, well, night. Ella also was a tiger the first part of the day. I love costumes. I love that the boys love to dress-up, Halloween or not. It's one of my fondest childhood memories. So many characters, so many outfits, so much fun. Just like our Halloween. When getting some dragon images of Ella, I accidentally caught a shadow of the boys. This led to some intentional sword & shield placements by her knights. It kind of worked. For that, I am thankful.

Now head on over to Jo's blog, to see her adorable boys, all dressed-up!

I Am Thankful

I decided to jump on the thankful bandwagon. I thought if I officially made the commitment to take a photo each day, of something I'm thankful for (& blog it), I wouldn't finish. I still may not finish, but I have a lot to be thankful for. Starting with our thankful tree. I decided to keep this little Halloween tree out for the month of November & dress it up with things we are thankful for. I asked the boys the question "what are you thankful for?" & got some pretty sweet, & funny, responses. Potatoes is one of my favorites (Covey); Ry went with pizza, spaghetti & snow. They both said Ella, which meant she got her name on their twice (so sweet). I, of course, had to add camera + pictures; apparently they're not thankful for those. I think they will be one day. For all of this, I am thankful.

Happy Halloween

Boo! Hope your Halloween was frighteningly fantastic. Ours was filled with multiple costume changes (ninjas to knights, knights to ninjas); candy (lots & lots); trick-or-treating (of course); & friends. The perfect ending to quite a nice month. Happy Halloween!

My Littlest Pumpkin

The baby-in-the-pumpkin idea was just too cute to pass up this Halloween season. Ella was a good sport- there was mostly smiles, a little tears...& lots of photos. Happy Halloween.