cm monthly challenge: halloween dress-up

The boys had decided to be knights for Halloween & so Ella was to be a dragon. Then Halloween rolled around & that idea went out the window. Their ninja costumes were suddenly more appealing. In the end, Ry stuck solely to the ninja ensemble, whereas Covey went ninja by day, knight by, well, night. Ella also was a tiger the first part of the day. I love costumes. I love that the boys love to dress-up, Halloween or not. It's one of my fondest childhood memories. So many characters, so many outfits, so much fun. Just like our Halloween. When getting some dragon images of Ella, I accidentally caught a shadow of the boys. This led to some intentional sword & shield placements by her knights. It kind of worked. For that, I am thankful.

Now head on over to Jo's blog, to see her adorable boys, all dressed-up!