I Love You to the Moon

"I love you to the moon & back, & again, & again, & again," I said to the boys. I explained to them that's pretty far. "Well," says Ry, "I love you to the moon, then to the ocean, then to earth, then to our house, then to my school, then back."

Covey jumped on this opportunity, "I love you to the water."

I think the water's pretty far, too (even if he was referring to the fish tank water & not the ocean...).

Be Tricky

Our week has been filled with tricks for treats & lots of costumes. Trickiest of all? Capturing them in their Halloween finest. The boys planned to be knights, but have had some last-minute ninja ideas. I'm waiting for Wednesday to see what they go with. For now, we have Sir Covey.

Now head over to Jennifer's blog to view her 'Be Tricky' post!

October Sun

Fall photos. Yesterday I realized I hadn't taken much of the kiddos outdoors. The weather's been perfect, with an abnormal amount of October sun. But for some unfortunate reason, we've been inside cleaning. I think all the sun pouring in my windows has made me want to deep clean- it likes to show off the dust & dirt we accumulate on a daily basis. In all honesty, I'm not a cleaner- I really don't like it, so when I get in a 'deep-cleaning' mood, I have to take advantage. It's not much fun for the kiddos, though, so we headed outside yesterday afternoon. It was beautiful. The boys played, Ella napped & I took pictures. Once she woke up, I even attempted a photo of me & the three of them. It wasn't easily accomplished, but we all made it in the frame, so for that I'm grateful.


It's Hat Season

We've hit hat-wearing season here in Kodiak. The air is crisp with fall, with winter creeping around the corner. EllaGrace, of course, has lots of hats to keep her sweet little head warm. There are three I especially love & this is one of them. It was a hand-me-down that I tried on her yesterday. It fits perfectly, so will join the rotation process with her other two absolutely adorable, perfectly fitting hats. As a result of her cute hat, I took some pictures.

Worldwide Photowalk

I participated in  Scott Kelby's 5th Annual Worldwide Photowalk this year, on October 13th. The weather wasn't overly pleasant- rain, lots & lots of rain, & it was windy & cold. Just about the perfect way to capture Kodiak. It was also a lot of fun. I really enjoyed going out to shoot non-people images, for a change. I realized I never do that, which I'm sure my kids love me for :) Here are some images captured during our two hour walk.