Every day, we are all learning. New adventures teach us, as do new journeys. At the moment, this journey is kindergarten. Ry started just about a month ago & loves it. Some mornings are harder to wake than others, but he's always eager to head out the door. He proudly writes his name the 'new' way- with a capital 'R' & then lowercase 'ylee.' He's also learning to read. In fact, he's obsessed with both. Brings back warm memories of pretending to write cursive- everywhere.
Because he is a full-time reader & writer, he needs to keep paper with him at all times, just in case he needs to jot some notes or draw a sketch. It's quite cute. He got these sticky notes yesterday from my parent's house, so he can write down his bits & pieces. I had a different plan in mind for this month's theme, but when he asked me how to write 'I go to school' that plan went out the window...he continued to write 'I go to school' on multiple sticky notes, which now grace our fridge. I'm happy to say he is loving kindergarten & I hope your school year is starting off positive, as well!