a little bit of park time, in video

On Monday, my Time Capsules course came to a close. I loved it. It was exactly what I wanted. I'd tinkered with iMovie in the past, but still didn't really grasp what I was doing...& sometimes I just need a good kick in the direction I want to move. So that course did it, & more. Now I want to make videos of my kiddos, all the time. Little moments, big moments, actually any moments...enjoy~

Time Capsule - week 3 from Breanna Peterson on Vimeo.

Yesterday, a video

Project 2 for my Time Capsules course. I'm in love. I registered for this course to learn to make family videos. I already have two treasures & can't wait to make more. With Ry at school, Cove & Ella fill my mornings & early afternoons. Here they are, filling today's blog post.

yesterday from Breanna Peterson on Vimeo.

cm monthly challenge: back to school

School. Every day, we are all learning. New adventures teach us, as do new journeys. At the moment, this journey is kindergarten. Ry started just about a month ago & loves it. Some mornings are harder to wake than others, but he's always eager to head out the door. He proudly writes his name the 'new' way- with a capital 'R' & then lowercase 'ylee.' He's also learning to read. In fact, he's obsessed with both. Brings back warm memories of pretending to write cursive- everywhere.

Because he is a full-time reader & writer, he needs to keep paper with him at all times, just in case he needs to jot some notes or draw a sketch. It's quite cute. He got these sticky notes yesterday from my parent's house, so he can write down his bits & pieces. I had a different plan in mind for this month's theme, but when he asked me how to write 'I go to school' that plan went out the window...he continued to write 'I go to school' on multiple sticky notes, which now grace our fridge. I'm happy to say he is loving kindergarten & I hope your school year is starting off positive, as well!


5 months old

'I love you in the morning,& in the afternoon. I love you in the evening, & underneath the moon.' -Uknown

I'm a few days late in posting, but our sweet baby girl is five months old. I feel silly writing time flies, but it does. She seems to be magically transforming from a itty-bitty baby to a, well, big baby. She's been rolling, grasping & making noises for some time now, but suddenly these rolls are combined with scoots, & she's determined to get places. Her grasping has become intentional, like pulling my glasses off & then laughing. I'm fairly certain the laugh's a coincidence, until she does it again & again. She's also started mimicking. Certainly she's too young for that. Right?! but her dad or brothers scrunch their faces up at her & she scrunches right back. It results in laughter. A lot of laughter. Baby's laughter may be the sweetest sound. Ever. Accompanied with her big brothers' laughs makes for some pretty sweet noises. Happy five months EllaGrace~


good morning, monday

Last week I began my Time Capsule's course with Xanthe Berkeley. Oh my goodness, these four weeks are going to be amazing. I've been wanting to make little video clips, & I attempted it once last January, but am still really unfamiliar with iMovie. In our first week, I've learned a lot. I decided to share my first video here; I sort of went back & forth, but I kind of love it. In all honesty, I know what I want to do better next time, but I also know I have my first little video treasure of my three kiddos. So thank you Xanthe for that...& did I mention I cannot wait for the rest of the course?! Seriously, excited.

Good Morning, Monday from Breanna Peterson on Vimeo.

cm monthly challenge: playtime

Playtime. So many different ways of play, all day long, every single day. So I am posting some first day of kindergarten pictures. It sort of feels funny. School & play don't always fit together well. But I have realized how fresh, new & fun school is when you're first starting out. For Ry, it is play. He's only had two days, but he loves it. He thinks his teacher is pretty amazing (& she is) & they really do get to play. Play through learning. Exactly as it should be.

& here is Covey in the heart of play. Mask & all. He needed this mask in this moment. He was a tired, grumpy little man, but somehow they still manage to play no matter how tired or grumpy.

Now head on over to Susan's blog to check out their playtime!