
'Photography takes an instant out of time,altering life by holding it still.' -Dorothea Lange

I have a secret love affair with film. There is a depth, a texture, a visual satisfaction I can't quite explain. Months ago, I dug out my dad's F5. I was determined & excited to use it. Then I realized why it sat around for months. It's not instant. A couple weeks ago, though, I finally loaded it up & put my first roll through. It was a pleasant reunion. Kodak Portra 400.

4 months old

'play dress-updance in the rain make believe lie in the grass chase butterflies paint a rainbow sing a song be a princess wish upon a star imagine' -unknown

Today she is 4 months old. She's such a sweetheart. She laughs, she smiles, she rolls, she's pushing her head up high & trying to get on her knees. I wish I could slow her down, just a little bit. I wish a lot of things for her. When I came across this quote tonight, it summed a lot of those up quite well. Happy 4 months to our Ella-Bella Gracie-Girl~

the future is just beginning

'I hope your dreams take you to the corners of your smiles,to the highest of your hopes, to the windows of your opportunities, & to the most special places your heart has ever known.' - Unknown

Kodiak doesn't offer beautiful light on a regular basis; however, Jessie wanted that light for her senior pictures. I was eager to accommodate that request; it adds such a gorgeous, golden dynamic to portraits. Since July was a rather rainy month, we waited until we actually saw the sun shining- the forecast was just too unpredictable. Beautiful light + a beautiful young lady made for a wonderful evening of pictures. Enjoy your last year of school Jessie & the adventure that awaits you, following graduation!


'Then followed that beautiful season... Summer....Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.' ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Summertime. My favorite time of year. Perhaps that goes without saying. We haven't had the warmest summer- we're getting some chilly, wet days, while the rest of the states are sweltering in 100+ degrees. But they're still good, relaxing days. Soaking it all up before we begin school in the fall. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that reality, but it is true. Ry is going to be a kindergartner in one more month. For now, we are enjoying late nights & late mornings. After all, it's summertime.

Now head on over to visit Mindy's summertime.

3 months old

EllaGrace is 3 months,she rolls from tummy to back, she tries her hardest to roll from back to tummy, she smiles a lot, she laughs a deep contagious giggle, she coos, gurgles, oooohs & ahhhs, & the boys think she can say no (Ry is convinced her taught her that one).

Somehow 3 months has whizzed right by. I hope the next 3 slow down, just a little bit.

my three

‘Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful.It means you will love & be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what.’

Two of my favorite things are photos & words. When they fit together perfectly, it makes me smile. That’s what this image & this quote did for me. Hopefully it does the same for you. It’s good to start Monday’s with smiles!