‘Liberty is the possibility of doubting,the possibility of making a mistake, the possiblity of searching & experimenting, the possibility of saying No to any authority- literary, artistic, philiophic, religious, social & even political.’ -Silone
cm monthly challenge: fatherhood
'Any man can be a father, it takes a special person to be a dad.' -Proverb
Our CM monthly challenge is fatherhood...here is my view, enjoying our evening on our Father's Day camping adventure.
now head on over to Mindy's blog & see how she views fatherhood.
Happy Dad's Day, Dad's
Papa's Mandolin
'I would teach children music, physics, & philosophy;but most importantly music, for the patterns in music & all the arts are the keys to learning.' - Plato
A few days ago I did a series of photos of my kids with my dad's mandolin. It was supposed to be a Father's Day surprise. I thought the kids would tell him, excitedly, & the surprise would go out the window. Instead we scratched it. Gulp. Big gulp. So no more surprise, but here is a picture.
cm monthly challenge: motherhood
How I view motherhood...I have lots of views on motherhood. & I'm pretty sure most have changed from my views pre-kiddos. These kids change you, that's for sure. & it's good change. They surprise you, delight you, challenge you, help you & best of all, love you. So what is motherhood for me?
motherhood is lots of learning- from your mom. friends. online. books. & your intuition. that intuition does a pretty darn good job.
motherhood is a whole lot of on-the-job training.
motherhood is fantasizing about those 5 minutes.
motherhood is teaching. we teach our kiddos a lot, like sharing (except I'm not so sure they get that one, until they are adults, perhaps?). & they teach us a lot, like how not to share. or perhaps what I really mean is patience.
motherhood is those little moments that melt your heart.
motherhood can be messy...
but the mess is worth it.
motherhood is also full of unexpected adventures.
motherhood is knowing this pouty face loves you more than anything else in the world.
& motherhood is, quite simply & complexly, 50 toes.
now head on over to Susan Edge's blog to view her images on motherhood.
inches & stuff
'Oh darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up. Just stay this little.Oh, darling, don't you ever grow up, don't you ever grow up. It could stay this simple.' -Taylor Swift
We're growing inches in this house. Well, kind of. The boys had some good growth spurts this spring. Ella is already 1.5" longer. The writing on the wall reminds us- these kiddos are growing. I just filled out Ry's kindergarten paperwork. Yikes! Mixed emotions for sure. & outside the grass is growing. Lots of inches, lots of growth. Happy Friday & have a great weekend!