weeeee on the swings

'One swing set, well worn but structurally sound, seeks new home.Make memories with your kid or kids so that someday he or she or they will look into the backyard and feel the ache of sentimentality as desperately as I did this afternoon. It's all fragile and fleeting, dear reader, but with this swing set, your child(ren) will be introduced to the ups and downs of human life gently and safely, and may also learn the most important lesson of all: No matter how hard you kick, no matter how high you get, you can't go all the way around.' - John Green

Our local park is well worn. Actually it's fair to say it's over worn. 20+ years ago, I swung on these swings. Today the equipment rusts away & sits haphazardly. A new park will be built in the near future. For this, I am thankful.

my 2(+1) on 2sday: 30 toes

'Brothers & sisters are as close as hands & feet.' -Vietnamese Proverb

Our week: healthy kiddos- finally. daytrip to Anchorage for Ry's doctor appointment- exhausting! bare feet- dirty laundry? tummy time- Ella's getting strong! fresh air & lots of rain...happy Tuesday! p.s. one thing I learned? capturing 30 tiny toes in one picture can actually be an adventure!

my 2+1 on 2sday: the last 7 days

I haven't decided what to rename my 2 on 2sday  yet, since there's now 3 (just in case you've missed the multitude of blog posts on our new arrival), but for now 2+1 will work...the last 7 days have been busy. Mike & Ry headed to Anchorage for Ry's allergy testing. Covey, Ella & I stayed behind. All of the sudden traveling with 5 sounded like a big adventure...but one I'd be willing to take to a hot, sunny destination (just saying). We got some exciting allergy test results back, but we always have to refrain from getting too excited. Ultimately, it's how he responds when he eats the food, rather than what the test results show. So I guess you could say we rely on hope. Hope that he'll respond well & hope we will have even more 'safe' foods. The testing is a four day process, on the 4th day Mike woke up really sick in Anchorage. Here at home, Covey woke up really sick. It's still lingering, Ry caught it too. Ella & I are feeling good so far, but I may have just jinxed ourselves. It's a nasty bug they got. They're still fighting it- a combination of a cold & fever. We've been watching lots of movies, drinking lots of liquids, getting lots of Vitamin C & dispensing more Tylenol then we usually do (which we usually never do). Perhaps tomorrow will be the turnaround point for these boys. After all, the sun is shining & we need to get outside & play in it!

food allergy results- we get to reintroduce beef, chicken, wheat, sesame & shellfish...it's big results, but takes 3 weeks with just one food, so it's a long process

I spy, with my eye, one sick dude on the couch

Covey caught a second wind this afternoon & decided to do a puzzle...we didn't make it beyond 'the dumping it outta the box' stage

Ella got a glow worm from Nanny & Papa (they just back from vacation)...I think she's stoked on it

they love their dinos, sick or not

& Star Wars, another favorite thing...Covey turns 3 (say what?!?!?) in a month & he wants a Star Wars birthday & wants to be Darth Vader for Halloween, at least he's sweeter than Darth