The rain was falling, but the kids needed to get out & run. Sometimes I'm a bit embarrassed by the way I refer to my children- like they're my dogs. I'll casually mention, it's time to go run the kids. Yep, just like I used to say when we had dogs. The truth? They do need to run. If they don't, a whole lot of tension, attitude, & energy bottles up inside our house & makes it feel really small, really quick. So tee-ball in the rain was just what we all needed. & Covey was back in his ninja suit. I'm almost certain he has worn it every day this week, at some point. It's quickly transforming from its cheapo nylon outfit status into a treasured keepsake, & thus a dang good childhood memory. This would give me the perfect opportunity to branch into childhood memories, but I'm saving that for another post. Back to the weather- it has been an awfully nice fall for Kodiak, which just makes everything seem a little bit brighter & better; for that, I am thankful.