Glimpses of My December
December wrapped it's warm-self right around us. Holiday festivities filled the days, school break didn't last long enough and Santa arrived, quite punctual. It was a season of giving and receiving and wishing for peace and joy. It was merry and bright. It was magic.
December is my favorite. It's the most wonderful time of the year.

Now head South, to see a piece of Allison's December.
Glimpses of My November
November was full. The perfect month to remind us of how much we have to be grateful for; of how many things we are thankful for. The list doesn't end. The little things, the big things, all fill our platter. We celebrated friend birthdays, family birthdays, a short break from school, a solo trip to Florida, lost teeth, fresh fallen snow, outdoor adventures, the resurgence of our football team, and an incredible holiday. We almost welcomed our newest nephew (& cousin), but he decided to start December off just right.
Be grateful, be thankful.
Visit Maria next, her use of light & the bright, smiley faces of her children will warm you right up.

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Glimpses of My October
There's something about the holiday season that seems to melt time away faster than you think possible. October is the kick-off. Halloween prep intermingles with Santa's popping up in the holiday aisle. The cool fall air becomes a cold winter chill. The mud puddles freeze over. We even saw a few snowflakes, and lots of rain. We broke records of rainfall; the weather we're accustomed to showed it's face, and our island home graciously accepted the water it longed for. Final fishing adventures were had, pumpkins were carved, costumes picked out the night before the school parade. These were our ordinary days, and they were good.
Continue on, by checking out Kristi's October.

Glimpses of My September
September was full of new. New schedules, new weather, new foods, new adventures. It was our New Year, a few months too soon. Suddenly it ended, and suddenly we (almost) settled in. Finding our school routine still feels like juggling fish, and real fish were juggled as we headed to the fishing grounds straight from the school grounds. Then I watched my youngest gear up for her first dance class. How is there so much new in one short month? But there is, every single day. Shining its bright face in our awaiting eyes, even if you have to look a little deeper.
Now head over to Allison's blog & see her beauty of the last month.

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Glimpses of My August
The last day of August brings the first day of school. A third-grader and a first-grader. The wind's been blowing wildly, tossing fall around our rosy cheeks. Their long hair is matting against their scalps. The final kiss of summer and the first kiss of fall, smothering us all at once.
This season changing, school starting is always bittersweet. I'm still holding tight to the memories. The long days that turned into long nights, when long nights are good. Summer, we will miss you.
Follow along with Evelyne, to see her monthly glimpse.