
We made it home in the early hours of this morning,after twelve days on vacation.It was spent seeing lots of extended family, we hadn't seen in too long, as well as a 4-day roadtrip.

But today, we're being mellow, after 15 hours of traveling (three flights + layovers). Admiring the excitement of our kids, as they find their rooms, their toys, their home, just as it was less than two weeks ago.

& I sift through photos, anxious to return to our time away. breannapeterson-1-2

10-on-10: August

'A little rain and a little sunand a little pearly dew and a pushing up and a reaching out. Then leaves and tendrils all about!' -Children's Song, 1800s

We grew stuff, and it's exciting. Big plans and little knowledge is how we jumped in, and we're chowing down on fresh lettuce, kale and broccoli, with lots more to soon join our dinner table.

Our experimental year has been a success. breannapeterson-1-6breannapeterson-2breannapeterson-3breannapeterson-2 (1)breannapeterson-1-7breannapeterson-10breannapeterson-12breannapeterson-13breannapeterson-14breannapeterson-16

10-on-10: July

I haven't documented a full-day since starting this year's 10-on-10 project. While I've so enjoyed the variety in sharing our 10-ish images; I realized I missed the day I'd document the bits and pieces, throughout 12 or so hours.  So this month, that's what I did. This is the 9th.

1. Good morning, the kids are still sleeping.

2. Pie for breakfast...and some cheerios for dessert.

3. Auntie's for lunch.

4. The channel.

5. Time to go.

6. Swimming, before swim lessons.

7. Home, after a long day away.

8. New record player (my awesome birthday present).

9. Tonight, he lost his very first tooth!

10. A game of Sorry before bedtime.

Be sure to follow through our circle, next up is the lovely Elise with Finn Photography.
