This Morning

When the alarm went off this morning, I tried to think why it was set. I could come up with no logical reason, and decided it was a mistake. Thankfully, I was correct. I lay there, squeezed between two warm little bodies, wondering at what point Covey crawled into our bed. Trying to remember if it was dark out, or if it was not too long before that obnoxious beeping broke that sweet slumber. Unsure, but certain he  must have had a bad dream. Later in the day, I overheard him telling his big brother that he did in fact have a bad dream- something to do with robbers. Bad dreams always bring him into our bed, sometimes nights in a row, sometimes not for a week or so. My eyes didn't want to open, but listening to that silence made me process my mental list of everything I could get done before the walls vibrated with three loud voices. So it forced me out of bed, ready to start checking things off. Until there was that little squeak, the little one that goes full board real fast- Ella. She doesn't like to be hot when she sleeps, usually tossing and turning until her blankets are off, and she doesn't always want to be close, but when she does want you next to her, there's no sleep unless you immediately fill that void. So I scooped her up and together we trotted to the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of us in the bathroom mirror, our hair disheveled as always in the morning; her wanting so badly to sleep longer but fighting it so well; that little hand stuck down my shirt, as she does whenever she's tired or wanting to cuddle; so I grabbed my camera because these are so many of our mornings.

She is Fierce

'& though she be but littleshe is fierce.' -William Shakespeare

The work it takes to get those tiny hands into those tiny pockets; shifting, rearranging, wiggling...and success. Then take them out and start all over again. but with lots of determination, it's no big deal. (1) (1) (1) (1)

Growing a Garden

'There is a garden in every childhood,an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than every again.' - Elizabeth Lawrence

We planted a garden. Our not so green thumbs are giving it a go, quite excitedly. Covey and I got it started a few nights ago, & hopefully, there will be some pictures of progression over the summer. The weather (for the 1000th time) has been unbelievable- a good summer for a first attempt at gardening.

Last Day of School

The other day I helped out with Field Day at school; the group was K-2 and I was taken aback at how big the 2nd graders were. Perhaps mostly because in a few short hours, I will have a 2nd grader. Next year, Covey goes into Kindergarten and Ry into 2nd grade. Whew...feels like a big one. I unintentionally started this series with the first day of Kindergarten and now feel obligated to continue it. He's growth in these images baffles me. The first day of Kindergarten compared to the last day of first grade- the round baby face fading away, now adamant about long hair, genuinely caring about his clothes and his shoes, thoroughly exhausted from a long night of baseball...but still crawling up into my lap when he's tired and needs to snuggle. As excited as I am for the end of the year, it's bittersweet. Happy Summer folks, enjoy it!

10-on-10: May

here I am, weaving a path between pride and exhaustion. with sticky fingers, wrapped around my neck. dirty kisses planted on my cheek. bony bottoms softly wedged into my thigh. laughter echoing between us. curiosity glowing in six bright eyes. confidence beaming in their strong steps. amazement and awe wrapping its arms around me.

heavy eyelids sneaking an extended blink- we balance. arms out, one foot in front of the other, we balance well. & then we look at each other and we know. I am here, children. here I am, in motherhood.

happy mother's day. thank you, my three, for making me a mother.



now pop on over to the wonderful Annie Otzen.

The Scooter Rooter's

Awhile back, I was doing the nightly round-up of the boys, trying to get them into their room to start their bedtime routine. Covey worked up his best pirate snarl and shouted, 'We're the Scooter-Rooter's, and the Scooter-Rooter's never sleep!' It came out of nowhere, and brought us all instantly to laughter. At that moment, he created his club, which currently has three members- Covey and his two siblings. According to their leader (Covey), they will once again not sleep. I'm beginning to believe him. breannapeterson-44breannapeterson-45breannapeterson-47breannapeterson-46breannapeterson-50breannapeterson-48breannapeterson-49breannapeterson-51breannapeterson-43breannapeterson-41breannapeterson-42