Happy Birthday

When your due date came and went, I wasn't surprised. It was the same with the boys; but I was anxious and ready to have you, even though I knew I'd be sitting here, two years later, wondering what happened to the last two years. Time is a funny thing. You want something so bad, you patiently wait, it takes forever, then suddenly it's come and gone, and here you are running and talking and laughing and telling us everything is 'mine!' Your curiosity and sense of adventure amaze me, you're fearless and that scares me, you're funny- really, really funny. You're a spitfire and you're incredibly sweet. You're pretty dang amazing, EllaGrace, and I hope you have the happiest of days today, and always. A few favorites from the last two weeks, her last two weeks before toddlerhood.

'live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.' - r.w. emerson

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10-on-10: April

Baby got back...the other night, Ella woke up crying. She hopped out of bed, walked to the living room, retrieved the ergo and returned, shouting 'back! back!' This was at 2:00 in the morning. She hadn't been sleeping good due to a nasty chest cold, & I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry; regardless, I put her on my back and sat there in bed, eyes closed, rocking her back and forth. At two, the boys were never this content being carried- they wanted to run (fast and far away from me, if we were in a store), but not this one...&  I kind of love it. breannapeterson.com-1-3breannapeterson.com-1-4breannapeterson.com-1-5breannapeterson.com-1-2breannapeterson.com-1-6breannapeterson.com-1-7breannapeterson.com-1breannapeterson-1-3breannapeterson-1-2breannapeterson.com-1-8breannapeterson-1breannapeterson.com-1-10babybreannapeterson-1-13

Now continue through the circle, by way of the wonderful Elise, at Finn Photography.

First Eggs of Spring

'And above all,watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.' -Roald Dahl

Each morning, my oldest checks for eggs. His eyes light up, his excitement is unmatched; the number of eggs doesn't influence the reaction, simply finding eggs is pure satisfaction. 'It's like Christmas, mom, like they're giving us presents!' he once told me. It's magic; pure magic, watching his joy from this simple action.

A few days ago, we dyed our first batch of eggs. I kept telling him, after this, after that, let's wait until tomorrow, it's getting late. We we're tired, my other two kids were fighting deep chest colds. But then I realized those were just excuses- it was an easy process to set-up, it was Saturday night, with no obligations on Sunday. So instead, I dumped too much vinegar in the egg shaped containers and he started dying. His eyes lit up, all of ours did. The duck eggs, particularly, were so vibrant. Perhaps it was the vinegar, or the egg itself, or maybe a touch of magic. It was a good first batch.


The Fort

'In the spring,at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.' -Margaret Atwood

Last week, Mike brought home a stack of pallets. They were intended for the fire pit. The boys' and I had been brainstorming alternative uses for them. Well, only one really- a fort. They picked out the perfect piece of land, made sure it was nice and flat and then it snowed, a lot.

Today we got beautiful spring weather, after a blizzard yesterday. We headed out and soaked up the sunshine. Those pallets were staring us down, so we decided to make the fort. A fort we only planned to use three pallets for. One for the floor, two for walls. Simple, easy and fun. But Mike was home today, and our impromptu fort turned into an elaborate little playhouse. We even pulled out the metal signs and license plates I'd stashed away for the someday playhouse. It's pretty much perfect- completely funky and very functional. There's even a duck (or chicken) door. And the boys have proclaimed it, 'sooooo cool!'

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10-on-10: March

'the art of being happy lies in the powerof extracting happiness from common things' - Henry Ward Beecher

Saturday morning.

Filled with snuggles, lounging and laughter. After a long five days, it's soaked up with gratitude. No alarm clocks, no rushing out the door. Just lots of blankets piled around us, cozy and content.

thanks for coming north from the incredible Katy Tuttle; be sure to go south to the wonderful Annie Otzen.
