An Afternoon of Art

'Listen to the MUSTN'Ts, child,Listen to the DON'Ts Listen to the SHOULDN'Ts The IMPOSSIBLEs, the WON'Ts Listen to the NEVER HAVEs Then listen close to me- Anything can happen, child, ANYTHING can be.' -Shel Silverstein

Afternoon's filled with art; when the sun is shining, but we don't last long in the piercing cold. Drawing Eagles and flags because the recent Olympics brought with it this new interest. Cutting them up, fitting them in, almost, into that little photo album, that's been sitting empty for years. That little photo album that has become a place for safekeeping, for art you don't want to lose, and other tidbits you treasure.

An afternoon well spent.

Sick Days

'Mom, did you know I used to not like this shirt, but now it's my favorite?!' Covey cares about his clothes, a lot. He prefers button-up 'cowboy' shirts. This yellow & black one was almost gotten rid of, but then it suddenly swooped into favorite-status. So his sick days have been spent in his favorite shirt, watching the wind blow, the birds fly & the snow fall, all from the comfort of our warm home. It's cold out there- we've barely broken 20 all week. breanna peterson-2breanna peterson-9breanna peterson-4breanna peterson-10breanna peterson-11breanna peterson-5breanna peterson-7

22 Months

'Listen with ears of tolerance.See through the eyes of compassion. Speak with the language of love.' -Rumi

Last night someone asked me how old you were. I responded, 'almost two.' Then it hit me- you were 22 months on Valentine's. Really, you are almost two.

You're supposed to be the baby, instead you're telling us what clothes you want to wear, bringing us your diapers & wipes, repeating all our words & looking out at the world with all the curiosity you can muster. You are almost two.

Keep up with the curiosity, baby girl, keep jumping in the mud puddles. Keep smiling, keep belly laughing. xo

Wish You Were Here 5/52

Wish You Were Here ...virtual postcards from around the world Dear Friends, This week seems to have slipped by. I'm sitting here, reflecting on our past seven days, & it feels like a dream. There was good weather, hockey, lots of egg collecting, a trip to the beach, a walk to the river, lots of fresh air & not enough fresh air- an average (for us) seven days. Life is good. xo

10-on-10: February

'study nature. stay close to nature. it will never fail you.' - Frank Lloyd Wright

Kodiak Island has about 40 miles of road. If you're at the airport & take a right, then drive all the way to the end, you'll end up at White Sands (can be seen in these wedding photos). If you take a left, & drive all the way to the end, you'll end up at Fossil Beach. Yesterday, we went to Fossil. We go this direction a lot, usually stopping in Pasagshak, which is about 15 minutes sooner than Fossil. As the name suggests, there's lots of fossils here. The boys filled their coat pockets; they we're most excited about their large broken snail, small whole snail & medium clam shell they found. Ella was most excited to get back in the truck. It was freezing! The wind was whipping right through us; it was a balmy 30ish before said wind. Surprisingly, we all lasted an hour, before heading back to the truck & then stopping at another beach for another hour of bone-chilling play.

& now pop on over to Jen's blog, she saw things- they've been getting snow in Portland (& we have almost none in Alaska!)