10-on-10: January

1. The day Rylee turned seven.

2. Starting the morning off with cinnamon rolls & his first round of Happy Birthday.

3. The microscope was a present success.

4. We found a dead fly, only seemed fitting to put a wing under the lens.

5. She climbs on everything, & it's scary; & then I take pictures, & that might be scarier.

6. Those curls, I hope they stay.

7. Full of personality.

8. Hockey helmet needed for yard travel.

9. This boy & his poultry.

10. Seven-years old; it's a big one this year.


We have a new & exciting blog circle for 2014; for those of you who stopped by way of she saw things, big thanks! & make sure you continue your way through our  circle- next up is Phood & Photos.

Holiday Beach

'If we want children to flourish,to become truly empowered, then let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it. Perhaps this is what Thoreau had in mind when he said, "the more slowly trees grow at first, the sounder they are at the core, & I think the same is true of human beings.'"' -David Sobel

Sunday afternoon we went to the beach. Holiday Beach. We've gone here many times over the years; when we had dogs, we used to run them here. It's a beautiful little spot, with a short walk in from the parking lot. Covey always says it's too long. He never likes to walk far, but once he arrives he's content. Once he understands he can run, chase waves, skip rocks & snack on the never-enough food we bring along. When the kids are almost exhausted, we head back to the truck...it's always a good time, outside at the beach. Breathing in the fresh, salty air. Soaking our cheeks with the ocean mist. Our island life is uniquely beautiful.


10-on-10: December

1. Good morning, most wonderful time of the year. 2. Off to school.

3. Pretend game of twister.

4. Lunchtime.

5. I do laundry, she climbs up to places she shouldn't be.

6. Some book time.

7. Geared up for a batman birthday party.

8. Picking the perfect present.

9. & we're ready to head to the party.

1o. Time to go home, after an evening at Auntie's- it was a jam-packed day.

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Now head over to check out Heather's 10.

The Last Two Weeks of November

November 16th. Saturday morning pancakes. November 17th. She thinks she's hiding.

November 18th. Taking a break from her duties as GodzElla.

November 19th. Back at GodzElla.

November 20th. Our first snow!

November 21st. Playing games, while Ella naps.

November 22nd. These two are plotting against my jewelry box, again.

November 23rd. Our Thanksgiving Turkey aka I've been taking pictures for the last 326 days & she's had enough...

November 24th. Pretending we have lots of snow to play with (& trying not to fall on the ice rink that's become our yard).

November 25th. Happy Birthday, Mom.

November 26th. Yee-Haw.

November 27th. Braving Wal-Mart, the day before Thanksgiving because yes, we desperately needed those pine shavings for the chicken coop (& no I'm not completely crazy).

November 28th. We all dressed up nice, so I asked for one photo (but I got two, thankfully, because this was the 2nd one); & then we had a truly wonderful day.

November 29th. Decorating for Christmas.

November 30th. The most wonderful time of the year.

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The First Two Weeks of November

November 1st. He drew his dad a good luck Elk. November 2nd. Two seconds earlier, the house was clean.

November 3rd. Christmas jammy picture day.

November 4th. New desk.

November 5th. Caught in the light.

November 6th. Pirate Island.

November 7th. Block printing with Auntie.

November 8th. An evening at Nanny & Papa's.

November 9th. Heading to a birthday party.

November 10th. Window washers.

November 11th. Daddy's home from hunting.

November 12th. A rare quiet moment with the boys (Ella's asleep).

November 13th. Watching the sunset.

November 14th. Mom, I just want to ski (& nope, he's never skied before).

November 15th. The rat massacre. breanna peterson-1breanna peterson-1-3breanna peterson-1-4Shanti Peterson-1Shanti Peterson-1-2Shanti Peterson-1-3Shanti Peterson-1-4Shanti Peterson-1-7Shanti Peterson-1-5Shanti Peterson-1-6

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