The Last Two Weeks of October

October 16th. Last day in California. October 17th. Running through airport halls, after one failed attempt to fly home.

October 18th. Feeling festive around here.

October 19th. Ry had this picture idea, so I obliged; then decided it's one my most favorite, ever.

October 20th. I told him he was the headless horseman; he responded "who's that?!"

October 21st. Lounging.

October 22nd. All snuggled in her brother's bed.

October 23rd. Finger painting with watercolors.

October 24th. First the ducks took their baths, then Ella joined them, twice...& it was a cold, fall day.

October 25th. Caught in the light.

October 26th. The Batman hat.

October 27th. "I'll be right back," I said. "You always say that," said Ry. But I came right back, & then paused & listened to you read Covey 'Goodnight, Moon,' for the very first time.

October 28th. "Let me give you a ride, Ella!"

October 29th. Somehow, you two thought you were being so sneaky, climbing on the counter to play on my phone.

October 30th. You & you're water bottles.

October 31st. Happy Halloween. breanna peterson-1-14breanna peterson-1-15breanna peterson-1-22breanna peterson-1-11breanna peterson-1-18breanna peterson-1-4 (1)breanna peterson-1-18 (1)breanna peterson-1-19 (1)breanna peterson-1-26breanna peterson-1-20 (1)breanna peterson-1-21 (1)breanna peterson-1-22 (1)breanna peterson-1-29breanna peterson-1-30breanna peterson-1-31breanna peterson-1-27

The Last Two Weeks of September

September 16th. Spiderman in Pasagshak. September 17th. Pots & pans = music.

September 18th. The day Covey learned to ride a two-wheeler.

September 19th. She's kind of cute (& possibly overphotographed).

September 20th. The chickens, they run from her every.single.time.

September 21st. My bedtime view.

September 22nd. Sunlight & shadows, & those tiny fingers.

September 23rd. I'm glad I forgot to put the cereal away.

September 24th. My kitchen-sidekick.

September 25th. Flying.

September 26th. She leaves a good trail.

September 27th. He's turning into quite the artist.

September 28th. This girl & those chickens.

September 29th. Three little birds, in my doorway.

September 30th. Dance party, they're the best.

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5-minutes of Ella

  Have you seen Dana Pugh's 5-minute project? If not, check it out. I anxiously submitted to it, & was instantly inspired to document just that- 5-minutes.

When we're out in the yard, the chickens get to roam around, too. They love it, until Godz-Ella shows up. We fondly gave her this nickname because she fondly chases (& terrorizes) the chickens. But really she loves them, she just doesn't quite know how to express that love. Poor chickens? Perhaps, but I'm leaning towards no.

10-on-10: September

1. Good morning, Sunday. 2. The boys & their game.

3. The girl & her puzzles.

4. Found my reflection in a tiny-hand smeared mirror.

5. Where's the hat?

6. Cove & I went fishing.

7. Snack time.

8. Tajin, the spice for popcorn.

9. We canned cases of salmon.

10. Goodnight, Sunday. 

Now head to Alberta to complete our circle, with Michel's post.