Walking in the Rain

'Some people walk in the rain,others just get wet.' -Roger Miller

Two minutes with Ella outside equals two minutes of non-stop puddle-jumping. I actually don't think she walks in the rain, I think she runs. Soaking it all up as quick as she can.

Soul Shooting, a Workshop

On August 2nd I attended the Soul Shooting Workshop. Wow. I think that word sums it up. It was a bit of an adventure getting there, Kodiak's weather (fog specifically) had kept most flights from coming to/from the island for two days. Somehow one plane made it in, & somehow as #18 on the stand-by list I made it on the plane (a 36-passenger plane). It was a big weekend for me, with the workshop & a memorial service for my Grandma; it was important to make it out.

On three hours of sleep, I excitedly, anxiously & nervously arrived at the workshop for a day filled with deep thought, challenges, technique, discussion, connections, friendship & more. It was a day I won't forget; a day that I didn't want to end & a day to return to for a number of reasons. It's only been a short 9 days since the workshop, but I already feel like it shook me up, in a very good way.

When there's another one, I'd recommend going.

10-on-10: August

1. Good morning, sunshine. 2. Not so good morning breakfast time (or what not to let your baby do in their high chair).

3. Afternoon fishing at the river.

4. Proud fisherman of one very big & very ugly humpy (he caught it all by himself & no, we didn't keep it).

5. The not-so-interested-in-fishing fisherman.

6. Walking the beach.

7. Feeding worms to the chickens.

8. They made monsters.

9. Telling daddy all about his day.

10. Catching raindrops with her paintbrush.

Now head over to see Bethany's 10.

The Day We Buried My Grandma's Ashes

It's been a year-&-a-half since my Grandma passed away. She adamantly wanted to be cremated; & my Grandpa has struggled with this. It's been hard in general for him, living life without her. They were married for seventy-two years, & I don't think he ever went to bed without her (which meant there were many nights he fell asleep on the couch). So while we had a memorial service after her passing, we had another one five days ago. He needed this as closure & we're all hopeful it does that for him. At ninety-two, he gets around quite well, but struggles with his short-term memory. From their life together, I don't think he's forgotten a thing.

Sunday's service was very personal- it was a beautiful day, & we buried a small urn on top her mother's grave. My Grandpa was surrounded by family & friends, & I think it was exactly what he needed.

Summertime, & the Living is Easy

When the sun shines, the words always hum through me "Summertime, & the living is easy..." Because it is. This summer has been one to remember, we've broken records with so many 70+ degree days. We don't get lots of hot days here; last summer I remember six. I wouldn't call them hot, either, but they were summery. Yep, it's been a good one. Hot enough to bust out the swimming pools, the hoses, the floaties- hot enough to feel like summer. The kids are loving it, we all are.