A few nights ago, the kids wanted to walk to the store (a little convenience store about a five minute walk from our house). I told them we could after this, after that, after a lot of little things we had to finish. They patiently waited. Ry dug out his wallet, anxious to spend his hard-earned money on a really cheap, plastic toy. Then I came upon them sitting there, having so much fun together, so they had to wait for me just a little bit longer.
I Want To Hold Your Hand
July: 10-on-10
For this month's 10-on-10, I decided to document our 4th of July. We stayed in Pasagshak, where my parents have a cabin, the first week of July. My birthday is the 2nd, so it's sort of become a tradition to pack up all of our gear & head out indefinitely. It's always lots of fun- filled with (usually) lots of rain, fishing, friends & fireworks, of course. This year was no exception. 1. Good morning, Pasagshak.
2. The jack-in-the-box.
3. The guys pondering big decisions- to set the gillnet, or not.
4. They decided not to set the net, & mend it instead.
5. My mom taught my sister & I how to can salmon.
6. We're learning about pressure & numbers & stuff we probably won't remember very well.
7. We brought some sun to the beach.
8. Hanging by the fire.
9. She picked out her outfit.
10. This is 9:40pm, still bright.
11. The neighbor's fireworks over our cabin; & it's surprisingly dark at midnight (there's benefits to dark, rainy days).
Now head on down to California & check out Bethany's 10!
Happy Birthday, Batman
On the 18th, one of my superheroes turned four-years old. It's a little bit scary, as I can remember so clearly when my oldest turned four. Somehow 2.5 years seems to have escaped us. I don't know how or why his love for costumes materialized, but I love it! It started last fall- I think it started with an Ironman costume, but I can't really keep track anymore. It's been Batman for the last few months, raggedy old Batman. I have to steal it away to wash it; the seams are coming apart; it's stained & ripped. But none of that matters to him.
Covey-O, my free-spirited, loving, wild, snuggling, comical, goofy little guy, who was relieved to discover he still has ninja fighting moves at four-years old (his words, not mine). Happy Birthday!
The Last Day of Three
Covey turned four on the 18th, so I decided to document bits & pieces of the day before- his last day of three. I think we'll always remember it as one of the nicest days in Kodiak, ever. The weather app on my phone said 79 degrees. That's a big deal for our little island. In fact, I'm not sure it's ever happened before. We took full advantage of our day in the sun, spending it on the beach in Pasagshak. Followed by an impromptu overnight there- the perfect ending to three & a sweet beginning to four.
The First Two Weeks of June
June. Day 1. Weeeeeee. June. Day 2. It's a pool party.
June. Day 3. Why I get groceries in boxes.
June. Day 4. "Mom, is this how you spell salmon?"
June. Day 5. Tee-ball season.
June. Day 6. Pink sky at night, sailor's delight.
June. Day 7. He found a jar of frosting.
June. Day 8. She's goofy.
June. Day 9. Summertime.
June. Day 10. A chick named Chuck.
June. Day 11. Good morning, flock.
June. Day 12. She's obsessed with the chickens.
June. Day 13. Little tongue.
June. Day 14. Good night, flock.
June. Day 15. Today was his birthday party.