Sunday - A Day at the Beach

My photo-a-day attempt is having a funny effect on me; rather than dreading picking up the camera again, for another image, I am picking it up more, a lot more. I have a thing for Sundays & a thing for the beach. I'm not really sure why, but Sunday's have always signified family days, filled with lounging, fun & a bit of laziness. Whether we're on a Monday-Friday schedule, or absolutely no schedule whatsoever, Sundays are still Sundays. This past one we went to the beach. We do that a lot. We live on an island, so it only makes sense. The beaches surround us- they are literally minutes from our house, waiting for the kids' to arrive with their curious minds.

This past Sunday we woke up lazily, moving slowly around for a couple hours. Then our house shook from an earthquake. I panicked because it shook good & we are not in a tsunami-safe zone. Thankfully, it was only a 3.8 magnitude quake, it just happened to be very few miles from home, so we felt a couple good jerks. After deciding we weren't on tsunami-watch (part of living on an island), we decided to head to one of our favorite beaches.

My sister came along & I took a few pictures of her super-cute baby bump, she's 32 weeks already & tiny & cute, I never was! We found lots of beach treasures- a duck decoy, a fly swatter (last year a container was lost somewhere at sea, & football fly swatters have been washing ashore ever since), the perfect slingshot stick, a crab shell & a bright orange basket to carry home said treasures. I also took advantage of having my sister with us, to attempt a family photo. We ended up with a lot of interesting ones, & a couple worthy of sharing (for a good laugh).

It was a good day at the beach, followed by warm bowls of soup at my parents for our Soup Sunday's, a tradition we attempt to keep going at least a couple times a month.


10 on 10 - February

The day I photographed began without a plan to document. It was last Tuesday. I wanted an image for my daily photo, & the sun was hitting just right in the kitchen. It was the day after we found the ninja suit. The one Covey obsesses over, that he hasn't seen in months (it may have accidentally been buried under mounds of laundry for a really long time, accidentally). So the camera ended up accompanying me on our day, & it sort of became the 10-on-10 (actually there's 11) of the red ninja suit. I'm happy this unplanned, insignificant day evolved into this. I know this outfit is something we will someday talk about, a lot, when we all want to have a really good laugh together, or want to really embarrass Covey, or just reminisce. Because even though I've 'misplaced' the ninja suit, it's not because I don't like him wearing it, it's just because....actually, I don't really know why it is.

1. The ninja suit has been found.

2. The fridge- opening & closing these doors all day long.

3. A self-portrait of some sorts, with Ella sleeping (I promise comfortably) on my back.

4. He likes this photo wall, & he likes finding himself in pictures.

5. Stopped at the harbor to watch boats, throw rocks in the ocean & yell at the crows.

6. Some merry-go-round fun at the park.

7. Doctor's appointment + prescription for Ella.

8. Hanging out at my sister's.

9. Late night snack because 8:00 is considered late these days.

10. My view, while the boys' brush their teeth.

11.  Goodnight, Ry.

Now hop on over to the East Coast, to check out Jill's 10 & make your way through the blog circle!

& don't forget, visit Jill's 10, & keep making your way through our blog circle!

26 Fridays: Week Three

This friday's theme, solitude. In looking for a quote or definition to accompany my image, I was amazed at the negativity that surrounds this word. While I agree one is alone in solitude, it's also a time to recharge, regroup, find peace, be creative, think & love. It's a place we would all benefit from visiting, from time-to-time. While one is alone, one is not lonely. Solitude.

& be sure to visit Carrie's blog for her view on solitude, then continue through the blog circle.

26 Fridays: Week Two.

This week's theme is out-of-focus, soft & blurry. Who would've thought that would give me so much trouble? Apparently, I have a preference for images that do not fit that category. That's why these themes are such good jumping off points, they make that brain stretch into creating an image that you otherwise would not have considered. When I saw the sun hit our deck just right, I had to take advantage of both the light & the theme.