Happy New Year.Lucky 13. Let's all have a lucky year- full of happiness, laughter, good humor, good health, growth, adventures, love & peace. It's going to be a good year. & I'm going to attempt to document it, every day of it. Well at least every day of January ;)

Now hop on over to dearLizzieJane to check out the start of her 365-project.


Happy New Year

We're wrapping up our 2012 with family & friends. The wind is ripping; the rain is pouring. It's not so lovely outside. I suppose it's a good time to move into a new year (& on thursday this guy moves into a new age, 6, he can hardly wait). New Years is kind of a funny time for me. I'm always excited to celebrate it, even if we barely stay awake until midnight. But the whole New Years resolution sort of gets me. Suddenly, we're all motivated to make ourselves better, positively change ourselves, start something new. I totally fall for it. I have admiration for those that make those resolutions & stick with them. It's not an easy task. This year, I'm falling for it again. I'm changing my diet, mostly because I have to. My baby has some food intolerances & since she's breastfeeding, I have to cut those foods out of my diet. So I told myself January 1st is the day- no more dairy, wheat, eggs, etc. It's quite a long list, but hopefully it helps her little tummy. You'd never guess she was even bothered by it, so I'm hoping I'll be able to add some back in gradually this spring.

I'm also making photography goals. I want to continue to learn more & shoot more. I loved taking a purposeful photo a day in November, of my kids. I plan to do that in January, too, & possibly continue it month-to-month, but I'm not quite ready to commit to a 365 project (a photo a day for the year). I also want to shoot film this year. I shot a roll not too long ago & I just adored it. It's how I started my photographic journey; I swore I'd never go digital, well until digital got really good. But now I want to go back, not exclusively, but at least for fun. It's good to keep challenging yourself, it keeps you improving.

This year, I plan to write out my goals, to keep near my computer. Just simple reminders of what I want to work on. Goals are good. They keep us focused; moving forward; striving to do better. But I think it's also good to make goals year-round. So I'm making a goal to make goals throughout the year. Anyway, that's a wrap on our 2012 & here's looking to a happy, healthy, fun, humorous, amazing 2013!

My Personal Favorites of 2012

2012 was a good year. There were ups & downs; lots of emotion- joy; sadness; it was a year to remember. The year we lost our Grandma Grace; the year we welcomed our baby girl, EllaGrace. I took pictures along the way. Here are some of my favorites from our year & here's looking to 2013, with smiles on our faces!

12.12.12 - One Day on Earth

I was inspired by Xanthe Berkeley, to create a time capsule on December 12, 2012. It was fun, hectic, comical, interesting & exciting to carry around my cameras with me, all day long. My family was surprisingly accepting of it, too. I ended up putting two videos together. The first one, a combination of images & video clips from our day. The second one, my boys watching their Great-Grandpa make them a dollar bill bowtie. It was fun to document so much, not something I usually do. It was hectic, balancing two cameras, my iPhone & my children. We were on vacation, too, which made it more fun & perhaps a bit crazier. Attempting this balancing act? Well, I'm sure that was entertaining to any passer-byers. Especially those in the store. It was so worth it, though; some of my most (at the current moment) favorite images were captured on 12.12.12. About two weeks later, I present the videos. Happy Holidays.

121212 from Breanna Peterson on Vimeo.

My Grandpa + My Boys

I was inspired by Xanthe Berkeley, to create a time capsule on December 12, 2012. It was fun, hectic, comical, interesting & exciting to carry around my cameras with me, all day long. My family was surprisingly accepting of it, too. I ended up putting two videos together. The first one, a combination of images & video clips from our day. The second one, my boys watching their Great-Grandpa make them a dollar bill bowtie. It was fun to document so much, not something I usually do. It was hectic, balancing two cameras, my iPhone & my children. We were on vacation, too, which made it more fun & perhaps a bit crazier. Attempting this balancing act? Well, I'm sure that was entertaining to any passer-byers. Especially those in the store. It was so worth it, though; some of my most (at the current moment) favorite images were captured on 12.12.12. About two weeks later, I present the videos. Happy Holidays.

Grandpa Art from Breanna Peterson on Vimeo.