Be Thankful

This month I have been working on a personal photography project called "I Am Thankful," each day I post images, along with some words. Our GHC blog theme this month is "Be Thankful." Going through images from the past 25 days, it's easy to see where my thankfulness begins- my family. That one little word is huge- & I am so thankful for the family I have, for everything we have together, for everything I have because of them.

Now head on over to view Michele's Be Thankful post.

My Loft

In the upstairs of my house, is quite a large loft. These steep stairs are the access. This bit of space is more-or-less the office; it'll probably be our bedroom someday. It's where I do all of my editing; it's where everything gets put, if it doesn't have a place in the house. As a result, it has a tendency of getting messy, but it's still my space. No matter how cluttered, it's mine, & for this I am thankful. P.S. Today is my mom's birthday. She deserves her very own thankful post, but I realized I have no recent pictures of her, so tomorrow she's getting a post :)

Good Food

Today's lunch consisted of Thanksgiving leftovers, again. After thirty years, I've come to the realization that this is one of my favorite meals. Everything just taste better a day or two later. I told the boys we should eat Thanksgiving dinner every day. They told me "NO!" oh well...either way, we still eat good food, our bellies are full & we are content. For this, I am very, very thankful.

The Weather

Kodiak's weather is often unpredictable; honestly, it's a good source of complaint. A common phrase around here- "We don't live here for the weather." But when it's nice? It is so, so gorgeous, whether it's summer or winter. Today we enjoyed our winter wonderland. We took the kids sledding at the golf course, then Mike & Ry built snowmen back home. It was a refreshing, fun afternoon. It's good to be reminded that we really do live in an amazing place. For this, I am thankful. 



I am thankful for good family, good friends & good food. For these reasons, we had a very happy Thanksgiving. I hope you had the same! & for this, & so, so much more, I am thankful.


I recently upgraded from the iPhone 3 to the 5. The new camera is awesome. I use it daily to capture all these little moments I wouldn't otherwise be photographing- Mike building our storage shed; Ella's first backpack adventure; Ry's first violin lesson; the week Covey wore his ninja suit everywhere (who am I kidding, we're still in that week, perhaps it'll be a month? a year?); our first 'real' snowfall; Ella's first raspberries (by blowing her lips, not actual berries); Ella's first time standing, while holding on to the dishwasher; Ry's first snowangel of the season; our salt dough ornament adventure; & more. There's a lot of firsts in that list & these are just from the past week....Without this camera, I wouldn't have nearly the photographs documenting these moments. Plus, my sister & dad are both out of town right now & the kids are able to Facetime with them- pretty amazing! For the abilities of technology, I am thankful. p.s. to follow me on instagram, I'm under @breapeterson & my favorite apps are VSCO & squaready :)