EllaGrace is 7 months old today. Wow~ what a quick 7 months it's been. She's so happy, so content, so tolerable, so amazingly wonderful. For her, I am thankful.
A Turkey Family, in Playdough
Yesterday morning we made playdough. I use this recipe, which is gluten-free. The boys had a blast, Ella tried to attack everything in front of her & we ended up with a sweet little turkey family. Everything's turkeys at the moment, they'll be ready for next Thursday! I recently read this Dr. Seuss quote, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." Some days I need to remind myself of this. For the memories we made yesterday & Dr. Seuss' words of wisdom, I am thankful.
A Family Photo
We haven't taken a family photo in awhile. I think the last one was our globe photo when I was pregnant (not counting iPhone pics after Ella was born). So today I didn't even ask- I did casually mentioned to Mike that I was bringing along my camera. He could hardly contain his excitement. It's challenging to be in the photos when you're the photographer. I honestly never had a desire to be in them until recently, as I've been shifting to a lifestyle approach. When shooting lifestyle, I often have the mind frame that "I'm capturing moments I'd want of myself & family." Someday I'll have someone shoot a lifestyle session of us; for now, the self-timer & Ry's press of the shutter will keep us current with family photos. It's cliche, but photos are so, so important. For these current photos, I am thankful.
Sunday Mornings
The weekends are appreciated a little bit more around here, now that Ry's in school. Sunday's are especially nice. Mike typically works six days a week, & in the last couple of months it's been about 7 days a week (yes, that means no days off!), so today's morning will be especially appreciated. We have no alarms to wake us, nowhere to rush to, just moving at our own pace. For that, I am thankful.
Let the Wild Rumpus Start
I think every morning I should wake, telling myself "let the wild rumpus start" because that's pretty much when it begins. Most the time it's a good wild rumpus. However, since Ry has started school, the boys have developed this lovely habit of driving each other crazy from about the time we pick up Ry until late afternoon. I think Covey is a tiny bit jealous that Ry spends his days at school. Once they snap out of their sibling funk, you'd never know they were fighting minutes before. Friends or fighting, it feels a bit like 'The Wild Things' around here & for that, I am thankful.
I Wanna See the World
In three weeks, we are going on a vacation. It's been awhile. My brother is a team roper & will be in the World Series of Team Roping in Las Vegas, so we are going to watch him this year- very excited! We're also going a week early, so we can do some national park exploring. I'm very much looking forward to it & if anyone has traveling tips for that area, I'd love to hear them! We're thinking about Zion National Park, possibly Bryce Canyon (depending on snow) & Grand Canyon (the south rim). For this adventure, I am thankful.