Happy Alaska Day

Today is Alaska day. Some have the day off work. I imagine Ry's learning about it in school. The weather looks like a stereotypical Alaskan day- the sun is shining, frost greeted us early in the morning & snow blankets the mountaintops. Now if the bears would just go to sleep. At home, we're looking at a very old book that's probably very politically incorrect. At least the map is fairly accurate. Happy Alaska day!

six months old today

Six months passes quickly. In this short amount of time, a lot has changed. EllaGrace is still smiley; she's still happy & she's still so sweet. Perhaps we all say that about our babies. But I promise, she is. She is also now full of movement- rolling, sitting, dancing, flailing. Her bright eyes are a mix of slate & brown. Her hair is dark, or at least compared to my blonde boys. She makes us all smile. The boys are in love with her (& sometimes fight over her). Mike likes to call her squishy. I breathe deep & soak up her sweetness. Somedays are a bit chaotic, but sitting down with her makes a lot slow down. Happy six months sweet baby girl.

5 Months Ago

Last night I put a print order in. I don't print pictures of the kids often enough, but I'm changing that. I made a new photo display, just for my 4x6s. Once it's full of photos, I'll share it (& don't worry, that won't be long)...in sorting through images, I came across this little gem from 5 months ago. An entire summer has passed since- Covey has turned 3, Ry started kindergarten & Ella is now sitting. A lot happens in 5 months.

Watchout, Ironman has Arrived

It must be the Halloween season. Costumes are coming on strong here. At the forefront are knights & Ironman. This suit is a bit small, but pair it with cowboy boots & you've got one little superhero. At least I think Ironman is a superhero? I'm not on the up & up with that stuff. I guess I better learn...okay, I asked the boys, & "yes," they told me, "he is on the superhero squad." It's suddenly feeling like they know more than me...

Today's Milestone: sitting up so big

This little lady (5 days shy of 6 months) decided she could sit up yesterday, all on her own. Definitely a dose of mixed emotions. The bottom line? Too big, too quick. She's trying her best to keep up with two big brothers. I think she's succeeding.

Clearly she is excited about this newfound milestone.

& then she returns to her favorite activity of all, watching her brothers.

little miss bright eyes- full & content, & snuggled in my lap after nursing


we're knights, that's right...

It's a knight-phase in this house. Swords, shields, helmets & armor. Check. Serious battles with fellow knights. Check. Or at least between brother knights. True words heard recently, "Covey, will you be my sidekick knight?" & true response, "No, I don't want to be a sidekick knight, are they bad? or they good?" A detailed explanation was given, demonstrating how Batman has a sidekick named Robin, "dontcha know?" Still no takers on the sidekick position. Covey wants to be his own knight. So be it. Two knights, no sidekicks. Unless you count Ella. She's going to be their dragon for Halloween...until then, I leave you with Sir Ry.