My due date has come & gone. I'm not surprised. Ry was 11 days late & Covey 8 days late. I'm still comfortable (& I guess she is as well!); more than anything, I'm anxious to meet her. Before we know it, we'll be planning her first birthday, so I know I can wait. I decided to put together my maternity pictures from the past few months. I don't usually get in front of the camera, but I made a conscious effort to with this pregnancy. from top to bottom (left to right): 23 weeks family photo, 29 weeks self-portrait, 32 weeks self-portraits with my boys, 34 weeks family photo, 36 weeks photo taken by my son Ry, & 38 weeks, perhaps since she's not here, I should go take a 40 week self-portrait!
friday: toes
Easter Egg Dye-ing...without the eggs
We haven't dyed eggs before because Ry is allergic to them. This year I came across ceramic eggs, but with shipping, they'd never make it in time. Then I stopped by our local craft store & found wooden eggs. Tonight we dyed them. Then we decorated them with glitter glue pens. The boys had lots of fun. I took lots of pictures.
the wooden eggs had to sit in the dye for a long time, but it did work.
some of the finished product.
we decorated some of the dyed eggs with glitter glue pens. Ry wanted to make one for his baby sister, hopefully she's here by Easter (the pink one).
Covey playing with Papa.
Our daffodils don't last long, but they smell like spring. I should probably throw them out.
more happy smiles, wouldn't know he woke up from a nap just a few minutes before, very unhappy.
for Easter brunch ideas that are egg-free, gluten-free, dairy-free & more, please visit my allergy blog- Allergic Adventures.
cm monthly challenge: happiness
This month's Clickin Mom's challenge is happiness. In our house, Sundays are happiness. They're relaxing & slow-moving, a perfect way to prepare for the week. Today, the boys got haircuts, we lounged around the house for awhile & then went to the beach. At the moment, our happiness also involves waiting. Any day now, baby #3 should be arriving. We're a little bit anxious & a whole lot excited! Haircuts are not a favorite of the boys, but Ry was excited to play heads-or-tails to see who went first.
Ry won & so Covey was first. His excitement is clearly all over his face!
Ry recently wrote out a welcome sign for his baby sister & my mom turned into a beautiful little blanket!
Covey post-haircut...happy to have the hair off him!
In the afternoon, we headed to the beach.
Ry found lots of treasures!
The boys checking out the hermit crabs & starfish in the tidepool.
Beach treasures!
This is our happiness. Be sure to view the other CM's in our circle to see their happiness! Following me is Jo & her adorable boys!