A couple weekends ago, my sister & I & our daughters, headed to Anchorage for the weekend. It was lots of fun & a nice break off our island. We decided it needed to be our first annual trip. While the girls weren't so sure about all the car time, I'm pretty sure they'll like it in about fifteen years. Kaitlin & her mom met up with us a few hours before we flew home, & we squeezed in a very quick photo session before going to dinner. Kaitlin is gorgeous, inside & out. She's radiating that beauty with her pregnancy & it was so fun to see her baby bump. In a few more weeks, she & Luke will get to meet their little one. Congratulations you guys!!
Journeying into Motherhood
I took these images of my sister two weeks ago.Exactly one week before her sweet baby girl made her entrance into this world. In her home, with all the varying, beautiful light. Capturing her last moments, as just her. Before she became a mother.